External reviewers from the EDB have comprehensively assessed the school's performance during 2024. They analyzed the school documents, observed classroom teaching and various learning activities, and interviewed the main stakeholders. The reviewers gave us encouraging comments and suggestions for the school's sustainable development. We particularly thank the reviewers for recognizing the teachers' efforts and the kids' learning performance. The school receives similar recognition from the community: "Our kids are courteous and receptive to learning. In the recent three years, the kids' DSE performance has improved significantly and has reached a new height."

As one of our graduates wrote to us:

“I am proud to be one of the “Henri-Aspirers,” and I am grateful for the school’s unconditional support, warmth, and encouragement that has allowed me to pursue my dreams step by step.” 

– Apple Cao (Bachelor of Arts & Education, double degree HKU, 2024)


A deep appreciation to our dedicated teachers for their unwavering effort and commitment to teaching.