Whenever I need to counsel a kid with behavioral problems or interpersonal problems, I will look into the Bible to see if there is appropriate teaching; whenever I face conflicts between teachers, either involve me or not, I will look into the Bible again to see if a story is applicable; whenever my wife complains that I do not fulfill a husband’s responsibility, or when I find my children do not handle the housework well, I will also look into the Bible to see if any scripture can bring me a little authority. It is because “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. – 2 Timothy 3:16.” But I am not looking for any verse to counsel my kids, nor am I looking for a story to refute my teachers, nor am I looking for a scripture to overwhelm my wife and children. Instead, I search the reminders from the Lord to understand my limitations before counseling the kid, to know my narrow-mindedness before dealing with the conflicts, and to learn to be grateful for my family before dealing with their shortcomings and complaints. It is Because the “teachings” and “corrections” in the Bible are not used to accuse others but “to make godly man, like me, complete and ready to do every good work.”