As Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: “All Scripture is God-breathed.” So, it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. - 2 Timothy 3:16. But I wonder how it began; we prefer to use “His breathe ” to teach others, rebuke others, correct others, and train others. In short, the scripture relates to us by no means. Or there are always thousands of excuses when something goes wrong, and hundreds are out of our control. There is no need to own the mistake at once. The trick is, in fact, rooted in our sinful nature. The Lord asked Adam: “Have you eaten from that tree?”. Adam pointed the finger at the woman. “The woman you put here with me gave me,” he replied. How about the woman? “It was the serpent that tempted me,” she said. Anyway, wrongdoers blamed everybody but themselves. A century ago, the well-known interpersonal relationship guru Dale Carnegie had an incisive observation: “Blaming others is a stupid act itself.” We won’t get what we want, for no one will sincerely admit the mistake when things get wrong. Certainly, we can make someone admit everything by sticking a revolver in his ribs. Therefore, whenever I read the Bible, I remind myself that He will teach, rebuke, correct, and train me the righteousness, not anyone else.