People with no faith may treat the Lord’s wonders mentioned in the Bible as folk tales. Even so, the tales often bring us wisdom. Exodus mentions a mythical account of a battle in chapter 17. It is said that the Israelites were going to fight the Amalekites on the battlefield. Moses held the rod of the Lord and stood on the mountaintop to supervise the battle. The Bible doesn’t say if Moses commanded the army with the rod; it only describes a silly observation of his leadership team. It said when Moses raised his arm, the Israelites won, and the Amalekites won when he lowered his arm. The leadership team then moved a rock to seat Moses and held his arms, one on the left and one on the right, until sunset. Finally, the Israelites got the victory. The theory of war is indeed ridiculous, but I imagine what kind of picture the Israelites who fought on the battlefield would see when they looked up on the mountaintop. What message did the picture give to the Israelites? And what impact would the message have on the Israelites? Moses’ leadership team did not always see eye-to-eye, but in the battle, what the Israelites saw was the unity of leadership. If I were on the battlefield, I might not understand how the erratic behavior on the mountaintop related to me. Still, I could feel the power of the belief when I saw a leadership team stuck to the same belief with their united heart.