People perceive salvation as a fair trade easily. They think that with good deeds, salvation comes. In the Book of Mark, a conversation between Jesus and a rich good man gives us another view. To inherit eternal life, the rich good man had kept all the commandments, not murder, not commit adultery, etc., since he was a boy. Yet, the rich good man’s face fell and went away sad when Jesus challenged him to “sell everything he has and give to the poor, and he will have treasure in heaven, then follow Jesus. – Mark 10:21.” At first glance, I thought Jesus’ challenge was too harsh for me. Before I offer helps to the needy, I will consider my limitation too. How could I give up all my possession? Yet, when I look into the challenge, I find that giving up all I have is not the cost of eternal life. It is just the trade of “the treasure in heaven” instead. Jesus’ request on me is to come and follow Him. I felt the challenge was too harsh because I expected to trade off something for salvation, and I focused too much on “my possession.” But Jesus merely expects my close relationship with Him.