“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done;
it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”
- the last words from Sydney Carton, in “A Tale of Two Cities.”
Only a selfless hero who sacrificed his life for a worthy cause could make the sigh. Though it is a far, far slighter gratitude that I could say than they are worth, I’m glad to serve with a devoted team that prioritizes the kids’ growth. Our S6 kids are about time to step on the battlefield. Teachers are still taking care of their paper practice non-stop. Their sacrifices are appreciated. What is the worthy cause of your sacrifice? Is it spelled out in “Man’s Search For Meaning,” the book I read at Easter?
Sigmund Freud said that everything we do springs from sex urge and the desire to be great; John Dewey phrased it a bit differently: “it is the desire to be important;” Abraham Lincoln once began a letter with “Everybody likes a compliment;” William James discoursed the craving to be appreciated as the basic principle in human nature. Summarizing his experience in Nazi concentration camps, Viktor Frankl developed his school of psychology. He claims that man’s deepest desire is to find meaning in life through suffering, love, and work.
Have you found your worthy cause in suffering?
Suffering has been the theme of many inspiring quotes. Here is the one I love most: “Good views are found at the mountain-top, but fruits are often borne in the dark valley;” My dad’s teaching is also my favorite: “Instead of getting up from slipping in a hurry, look on the ground if coins could be found.” Ordinary men complain in suffering; great men find their worthy cause in it.
Have you found your worthy cause in love?
I have a chance to share with S6 kids writing skills in these couple of weeks. We came across “The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis. It reminds me that I could always find my worthy cause in love with my family, friends, lover, and God. So, wherever I go, I end my self-introduction with: “A blessed husband and a father of two lovely kids.”
Have you found your worthy cause in work?
Compared with other professionals, the worthy cause in education is more obvious. If teaching is defined by working hours, it is just for an income. Serving in Henrietta is a pleasure. Even if my teachers have retired, we still treat teaching as our worthy cause. After the holiday, we shall note it.
Imagine a portrait:
“All humankind despised Him: A man of suffering, familiar with pain;
The Lord punished, we considered Him: He bore our suffering, took up our pain;
For our iniquities, He was crushed; and for our sin, He was pierced;
By His wounds, we are healed, and the pain on Him brought us peace.”
―(see Isaiah 53:3-5)
Isn’t it the picture that illustrates the worthy cause of Christ through His suffering, His love, and His work?
It is a far, far higher price He has paid to redeem me than I am worth.
Your principal,
Kenneth H. Ng