Perhaps education is all about the future; teachers’ minds are usually overwhelmed by worrying about something not yet happen. What if I cannot finish the syllabus before the examination? What if I’m asked to join a task force or teach a subject that I am not familiar with? What if I need to take the laziest class? Thinking more about the future is good, but if the future is full of such ‘what-ifs,’ we are overloading by unnecessary worrying. I wish my teachers could worry about having more energy to love and care for the children and their families. It is the first step of faith. “Can any one of you, by worrying, add a single hour to your life? – Matthew 6:27” Faith is an action verb. Belief and worship without action have no meaning. What if we place all our ‘what-ifs’ in the strong hands of the Lord? Ibelieve our shoulders would be available for those who are in need indeed.