It is our pleasure to share with you the story of Henrietta Secondary School. Inspired by the courage and persistence of Henrietta Hall Shuck, the First American female missionary to China and Hong Kong, our school founders established the School to carry on her mission of being “the salt and light” for the suffering world. During the past 78 years, the School has nurtured numerous faithful leaders from generation to generation with the School Motto: “Train up children in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it even when they are old.” (Proverbs 22:6)

The world is constantly changing at a rapid pace. The challenges in these couple of years have shown us that the globalized community awaits “servant leaders” who are able to embrace changes with these essential qualities: “Faith to the Lord, Love to Global Neighbors, Loyalty to their life mission and Honesty to followers.” It is coincidentally in line with the four pillars in our School Motto: “Faith, Love, Loyalty, and Honesty.”

The four pillars constitute the core elements of our Christian education. Meanwhile, we are sure that mutual trust and understanding between parents and the team of professional and devoted teachers and staff are indispensable to the successful implementation of our Christian education. As members of the school family, parents are welcome to contact us by phone at 2570 1466 during office hours or by email at to exchange ideas. Your opinions are valued. Let’s strive and work together to equip our youngsters to be faithful leaders.

Mr. Kenneth H. Ng