

為了讓師生以積極正面的心情迎接新學年,輔導組老師舉辦了「好心情—守護『理』」Hi-Welcome Back 班際比賽。學生主動及有禮貌向老師及教職員問好,就可得到正向貼紙作獎賞。比賽以班際形式進行。學生將收到的正向貼紙貼在「好心情—守護『理』」大卡上,收集最多貼紙的班別即為冠軍。

2D Lynette Chan

Last week, the school held a sticker-collecting event which is very good for students and teachers. Some students might not have really known some of the teachers yet. This event can encourage them to greet their teachers. Some teachers might ask you to introduce yourself too. In those few days, our teachers were always surrounded by students even though some students might not even know who those teachers were. This is truly a good way to know a teacher!

6D 吳采錡 包穎彤 徐靜儀 黃槶華


1C 李浩銘


2A 張灝庭

這3天操場很熱鬧,以前好多同學留在課室,但這3 天操場好多同學,大家好投入活動,氣氛令我好開心。

2D 陳恩彤
