綠色大使 · 天台農莊種植

天台農莊 · 都市中的有機種植

綠色大使 · 天台農莊種植  4A Yumi Au 

After this farming experience, I think it has enhanced my communication and problem-solving skills. In the farming process, I always felt confused but after communicating with my groupmates I understood how to plant the radish well.


4A Kathy Ho

After this organic farming experience, I have improved my problem-solving and communication skills, and I understand that we need everyone to work together to achieve good results. I also have acquired better knowledge of farming, which requires loosening soil, sowing seeds, and applying fertilizers. From the seeds to the delicacies on the dining table, it is the fruitful result of our hard work.

4A Yuki Tsoi

In this rooftop planting activity, I found it very interesting. I witnessed the whole process of turning a seed into a radish. I have also learned how to cooperate with teammates and plant together. All in all, it was a great and rewarding experience and opportunity. I look forward to participating in other activities with my classmates too!綠色大使 · 天台農莊種植

2C 黃梓妤


2C 黃梓婕


綠色大使 · 天台農莊種植

4D 吳心怡
