79th School Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship
1C Kong Yancey
The principal mentioned during the anniversary that studying can be divided into two types: one is confidently knowing how to study, and the other is understanding why we need to study. I am deeply inspired by the idea that we study not for grades, but to make our lives meaningful. We often notice what has been lost but rarely acknowledge what we already have. This sentence has remained deeply in my mind. It lights a lamp and illuminates my life. My experiences have given me the courage to continue. I have benefited greatly from the school anniversary.
1D Angus Ip
On our school’s 79th anniversary, Henrietta Secondary School celebrated its establishment with a ceremony. It was also the day I received an award for my English writing, as my work was the best among my peers. There were many school officials and numerous winners of various scholarships. Before accepting the award, we said prayers and sang gospel songs together. I felt very proud of my achievement because I had won my very first writing award, and I hope to win more in the future.
6A Chole Leung
It is with great honor that I participate for the last time as a student in this anniversary celebration, an integral part of our school’s cherished traditions. The school anniversary has not only marked the passage of time but also signified my personal growth and transformation into a true Henriettan. I wish the school many happy birthdays and hope it continues to foster the growth of more Henri-Aspirers in the future.