Watoto Asia Tour 2024
“Better Days – There Is Hope”
2A 徐喆
今次很高興能夠代表學校參加這次busking 活動,令我感受到很多人在台下看著我的壓力,但最終都可以沒有失誤。
5B 譚感煜
September 21, 2024—a truly remarkable day for the CungFung Tea Club. We were on our way to our first-ever tea culture tournament, a golden opportunity to showcase our tea-brewing skills. This marked our third year as members of the club, and it was the perfect occasion to display everything we had learned over the past few years.
We had put in a great deal of preparation beforehand, from designing a thematic tea set, crafting a speech for the tea brewing demonstration, to practicing countless times. The experience of working together as a team was unforgettable. I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Tsang, the teacher in charge of the CungFung Tea Club, whose guidance was invaluable throughout the entire journey.
As we headed to the venue, we felt a bit nervous and anxious, especially when we saw the other participants dressed in lavish costumes and presenting their uniquely decorated tea sets. However, against the odds, we managed to win the tournament. The judges were impressed by the exquisite taste and aroma of our brewed tea. This achievement, shared by all of us, is something that will forever be etched in our memories.
5B 許洋悅
I am deeply honored to have represented Henrietta Secondary School in the tea competition. Due to an administrative error, we were left with only two weeks from the time of notification to the competition day, giving us very little time to prepare. This situation truly underscored the value of our consistent training and dedication.
In those two weeks, we concentrated on designing the tea setting, brainstorming our presentation, and intensifying our tea brewing practice. Meanwhile, our competitors had been preparing these elements for months. I’ll admit, I was worried that our design might not stand out, especially after seeing that others had incorporated elements like calligraphy, guzheng performances, and even traditional Chinese dance.
Nevertheless, we prevailed in this competition, driven by the perseverance and indomitable spirit that embodies every Henriettian.
3D 曾凱楠
經過參加這次茶文化比賽,我大開眼界。以往曾有一些類似的經歷,如奉茶給評審,但這次的不同之處是在台上為評審們講解泡茶的步驟、茶的種類與茶席理念等,與茶助理的角色截然不同。我在等待上台比賽的時候看到其他學校高手雲集;過程中又是中國舞,又是古箏,又是書法等等。當下的我其實很是緊張,我害怕做得不夠好、出了差錯,到了台上,又看到台下烏泱泱的一片人,我更是緊張無比。但過程之中全心投入到講解以後,便把緊張拋諸腦後;也許我只是把緊張的心情轉移到腿上,在台上腿一直在抖。但其實完成比賽後那種滿足感,簡直可以說是從心中滿溢而出,而且沒法用任何事情取代。看到評審們最終決定冠軍歸於我們,當下的我又驚又喜,原來評判們是認為其他組忽略了泡一杯好茶才是重點。我恍然大悟,原來茶真的可以與生活聯繫,在泡茶的過程中,茶湯的品質才是整體的重點,就好比人生一般,要找出自己的人生的目標與重點,不要被其他東西混淆視線,而認錯重點。 因此這次的比賽亦助我對茶藝有了更深的認識,獲益良多。
4C Lam Ching Fei
I am truly honored and grateful for the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the Perayaan Sumpah Pemuda event. I learned a great deal from the experience.
Firstly, my perception of Indonesians has changed. Before the event, I believed that Indonesians were indifferent and reluctant to engage in conversation. However, during the event, I witnessed their enthusiasm. They actively interacted with our members and showed genuine concern for us. Seeing them leave with smiles on their faces was incredibly satisfying, especially knowing that many of them work as maids in Hong Kong. They put in hard work for us every day without any complaints.
Furthermore, I was impressed by their inclusivity. When we ran out of plastic bags midway through the event, the Indonesians didn’t complain. Instead, they simply carried the cushions by hand. This was surprising to us, as we expected they might voice their frustrations and leave.
Secondly, I gained insights into business management, particularly in planning. Our preparations anticipated the issues that arose, and because we had a solid plan, we were able to resolve the problems swiftly.
Lastly, I realized that organizing an event is a challenging task. Unforeseen issues, such as running out of supplies, can arise. It’s also essential to understand each member’s strengths and abilities to ensure effective team collaboration.
Overall, this event was a wonderful experience for me. If another similar event occurs, I will do my utmost to contribute to the team!
4B Law Wan Ching
To begin with, I am thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to serve the Indonesian community in Hong Kong.
When we are exhausted, Indonesians usually assist us with housework and other tasks, but remember that they were also exhausted! Thus, this is an excellent opportunity for us to assist our gorgeous assistants!
It was my first experience selling to foreigners, and it was an unusual community.I appreciate that I can make every effort to communicate with our consumers in Indonesian!
I’m looking forward to next year’s Indonesian Festival!
4C Cheng Hoi Kiu
In this Indonesian Youth Day, we chose “Good Health and Well-Being,” one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, as our charity sale focus. It is significant to raise awareness about mental health. Despite the scorching weather, this experience made me forget the discomfort and heat, and it brought me a unique sense of achievement. Every student put in their utmost effort, unloading and selling goods, which made the charity sale run smoothly. This event also enhanced our communication among classmates, teachers, and the Indonesian sisters, as well as strengthened our team spirit. Although it was full of challenges, it was a beautiful and unforgettable journey. As the saying goes, “Reading thousands of books is not as beneficial as traveling thousands of miles.” Experiencing it firsthand has greatly enriched me!
4D Liu Wai Kai
In honor of Indonesian Youth Day this year, our school bought some gifts for Indonesians. To demonstrate our respect for their past, we selected the self-designed cushions.We developed a sense of belonging and understanding through this day. It improved our relationships and understanded about Indonesian culture. All things considered, this event served as a reminder that we can celebrate differences together and form deep connections by emphasizing the value of tiny acts of compassion and togetherness.
3D Sheena Fung
The gospel week was a memorable and meaningful experience. I was honored to be one of the fellowship committee members. For the gospel week, we had the promotion team, the worship team and the booth team. I was happy to help the booth team. We hosted different fun games with Bible meanings behind it. The students had fun and were so excited to receive gifts after the game. It was also my first time leading worship on the stage. The worship was inspiring and smooth. I am really glad and proud that I was a part of it. I am looking forward to gospel week next year.