Celebration with the elderly with “Action Care”

Cathy Chung from 5A

Celebration with the elderly with "Action Care"

It was such a great opportunity to participate in this activity. Not only can I help to celebrate the festival with the elderly, but I also learned some valuable skills. From organizing the event, we prepared a lot for the games and the solutions in case of any emergencies. I was satisfied and relieved when I saw them smiling or laughing during the activity. It was not an easy task to take care of them, so good communication was needed for the volunteers. Moreover, I was observant, so I could offer help whenever people needed it. I appreciate every effort we’ve made. It is my first time volunteering for the elderly, and I’m delighted that I am one of them. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Celebration with the elderly with "Action Care"
5B 黃世隆
Celebration with the elderly with "Action Care"
4A 江銘澤
5A 洪曉琪
發現其實長者想要的很簡單, 陪伴和聆聽是他們需要的。只要多關心他們,便足以溫暖他們一整天。
Celebration with the elderly with "Action Care"
5C 鍾千欣
5A 余凱欣